Four maintenance tips for winter tires

As the saying goes: The journey of a thousand miles begins with the foot. The tire is the 'foot' of the car. If the car wants to travel normally and safely, it is of course inseparable from the normal performance of the tire function. Many localities gradually enter the coldest time in winter. Road icing is a common thing, it will bring inconvenience to the owner. The ice and snow climate is not only a test for the driver's driving skills, but also a test for the car itself. How can we use and maintain the tire properly? Let your car fully demonstrate its advantages?

1, to ensure inflation pressure

The winter climate is low. According to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, winter owners should appropriately add tire inflation pressure to reduce tire wear and tear. But at the same time, if the road is frozen and slippery, the inflation pressure of the tire will affect the tire. In general, in cold winters, we recommend using a 10%-15% higher inflation pressure than the standard, but not exceeding the maximum inflation pressure specified in the product manual. In addition, in the cold winter, the car is often viewed frequently. The inflation pressure of the tire should be compensated in time when the inflation pressure of the tire is lacking.

2, control driving speed

In the cold winter, if it is re-launched after parking, because the tire is relatively hard, it must travel at a lower speed for a period of time after starting, and then travel at a normal speed. Of course, the most important thing for safe travel in winter is to control the speed of travel. Especially when driving on the highway, pay attention to controlling the speed of the car. Do not rush and speed up the brakes. This is the only way to ensure safety. Only in the cold season, effectively protect the car and the tires, thus avoiding the occurrence of traffic accidents.

3. Strengthen protective cleaning

Before and after driving in the cold winter, pay special attention to the cleaning of the tires. Before driving, check if the tires are covered by ice and snow. If it is, clean it. If the ice stuck in the sipe is very hard, You can't forcibly dig, or you can pour hot water on the surface of the tire. Use the normal temperature water to pour the appearance of the tire markings, then start the car, travel at low speed for a period of time and then follow the general speed. After driving, check the tire groove Are there hard objects such as stones, iron blocks or nails, if they are, they should be cleaned up immediately.

4, pay attention to the wear symbol

The traction and grip of new tires and old tires are very different. Those tires that are very worn, even winter tires, cannot perform on ice and snow. Therefore, tires should be replaced according to wear conditions. All tires are marked. There is a wear symbol at a depth of 1.6 mm, but there is a small boss in the local area with the wear symbol. This boss is called the 'tread wear symbol', and the 'TWI' symbol is called 'TWI' around the boss. Under the premise of normal operation, the tire wear reaches the raised local area to clarify the need to replace the tire.